Saturday, December 20, 2008


Today, about 90 min ago, a plane went off the runway at DIA and caught fire. The 4 major news cable stations are doing this:
CNN: DL Hughley show (whatever that is)
CNN Headline: Nancy Grace
Fox: Geraldo
MSNBC: Lockup

Is there any wonder that the news media (as a business) is in trouble?

Update on 23Dec:
There was a water main break in Bethesda, MD this morning, and you'd swear that the Titanic had crashed into the Hindenburg the way they're covering it. Is it because the video is more dramatic (no real video of the crash in Denver) or because of the proximity to DC? I suspect the latter. Every winter rain, we have a river here in San Diego that overruns its banks and a car or 5 gets stuck. Is it on Fox or CNN? No. Why? It's San Diego.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Ghetto blasters vs Pirates

When un-armed mercenaries (what's the point?) that have a super-deluxe ghetto blaster against RPGs and AK-47s, they'll probably lose.