Friday, January 23, 2015

London/Paris trip, 2Jan - Stayed in

The wind was definitely out of Noreen's sails now, so we "stayed in." I did laundry (£4/load to wash, and 50p to run the dryer for what seemed like 1 min) at a laundromat a couple of blocks from the hotel. On the same street as the laundromat was an old church, so I took some pictures of it. While checking it out, I saw their bulletin board and took a peek. It mentioned that the church was consecrated in 1888. It also had a blurb about St. Pancras who was a Christian martyr from the 4th century. There is an old church that was built after he died and it is the oldest Christian worship location in London. It's "behind" the train station with his name. (this is the Eurostar station) . After dropping off the laundry and reading about it, I walked to the church. The church is "new", but there is reportedly parts of one wall that dates to the Norman era. There are crypts around the grounds of that date from late 1700s and early 1800s.


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