Monday, June 16, 2008

States as national GDP


I love this map. It shows the country equivelant for every state in the US when it comes to GDP. Note how powerful many of the states, next time someone (Obama) whines that the US uses 25% of the world's energy, keep this map in mind.
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Thursday, June 12, 2008

Sumo pics 5

Coliseum entrance at night
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Sumo Pics 4

Prelims of a match - note the ring attendant sweeping the ring. The banners are for sponsors of the match

Tossing of salt to purify the ring (my favorite pic of the batch!)

Match in progress

Another match in progress
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Sumo pics 3

Pic of the end of a match

Judge's conference with the ref to determine who won (if the ref can't determine it himself, like if both wrestlers fall or go out of the ring at the same time

Another pic of a takedown/end of a match

Start of a sumo match
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Sumo pics 2

More taiko drumming

Kid vs sumo (this was a demo/gag before the matches started)

Sumo wrestlers doing a split and touching their chin to the ring!Sumo wrestlers doing a split and touching their chin to the ring!

Entrance ceremony - all of the sumo wrestlers enter the ring prior to their bout
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Pics from the Sumo tournament/trip I

Noreen at Grauman's Chinese Theater


The bed at Figueroa Hotel

Entrance to the Coliseum (it's on the same grounds as the Sports Arena where the tournament was at)

Taiko drumming at the beginning of the tournament

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Thursday, June 05, 2008

A sad day for hockey

The CBC has announced that they're not going to use the Hockey Night in Canada theme any more. story.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Red Wings Party



Here is the cake from the RW party on Saturday. The original cake (that was supposed to be in an octopus cake mold) self-destructed when it was removed from the mold. So, she got a sheetcake with a frosting octopus on it. There were about 10 people at the shindig and it was lots of fun!
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Monday, June 02, 2008

Third Reich Ruins

The Nazis, if nothing else, were prolific (and very good) builders. Many of their buildings survive today (and are still in use!)Here is a side-by-side comparison of then and now.