Thursday, April 26, 2007

Comfort Women for American troops?

Seems that the prostitutes that serviced American GIs that occupied Japan were coerced into the gig. story.

Huh...never knew about this angle of the occupation.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Bush and the military leadership are pissing me off

Today featured testimony from PFC Jessica Lynch and some of the people involved with Tillman about how the military manufactured stories to create heroes out of these 2. Instead, the lies get out (what a surprise) and the military as a whole takes a hit. Goddammit, there are enough good people in the military doing enough good stuff on a daily basis that they don't need to make stupid shit like this up. For example, This story (story goes to a PDF press release) about a helo squadron doing a rescue in the Solomon Islands a couple of weeks ago. This story about real heroes doing a real job was effectively non-covered by the military. Why? Who the hell knows.

But, on another note, if the military had presented this great story to the mainstream media, would it have gotten any play? Probably not. It doesn't fit the template of the US military doing bad stuff for bad reasons. This story only got a tiny bit of coverage on one radio station here that interviewed the helo crew; and the Navy PR flacks were surprised that ANYONE covered it.

So, 2 things to remember: The military does good stuff without all of the bullshit lies from the Pentagon. And the MSM is NOT covering it.

Michigan's government is stupid

This story needs no comment.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

The Beeb biased?

No! Whodathunk it? Read this story that the BBC spiked because it might alienate their anti-war audience. Yeah, sure.

Friday, April 06, 2007

No wonder

No wonder they wanted my silhoutte

Sorry, I'm a bit drunk, had to post this

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Andy in his kilt again


Me at work in my kilt and company polo shirt for Tartan Day (technically 1 day early)

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Monday, April 02, 2007

Bullets, bombs and Islamists

Islamists don't need bullets and bombs to make any part of Europe part of the ummah. No....they already have plenty of allies in the multi-culturalist, weak-kneed PC crowd in England to help them.