Sunday, July 30, 2006

Murder in Misawa

This Stars & Stripes story tells of a Misawa bar owner that got killed about 2 wks ago. What's not in the article is that she was a recent divorcee....

One Line Movie Review

Miami Vice: Characters. Plot. Tension. This movie had none of these.

Us vs. Them

Next time someone tells you it's not a war of culture vs. culture, point them to this article.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Illegal immigrants and different paths

3 sisters come across the border illegally in the early 80s - one winds up with 10 kids (paid for by the taxpayers, including one VERY VERY sick boy), can't speak English, crammed into a 1BR apartment with her husband. The other 2 speak almost nothing but English, their kids are better educated and they own homes. The whole story here

Israel vs the UN

Was Israel targeting the UN position directly when they killed 4 UN observers? No. They were targeting the Hizbollah fighters that were "all over" the UN position. Is it any surprise that Hizbollah was hiding around a UN position when they hide amongst civilians?

NOW at 40

This article is a funny look at a party NOW threw for itself on it's 40th anniversary. NOW isn't so "now" now....

Thursday, July 27, 2006

New Term

I've come up with a new term to describe what I see from people (mostly the drooling left, though there's some on the right, too) that I can only describe as technophobia. However, it goes deeper than general technophobia, they have an irrational fear/hatred of just about all tools or creations of humans, whether it's genetically modified food (they never seem to realize that they've never seen a seed in a banana for a reason!), or machines of just about any kind. So, I give you:

ergaleiophobia: (pronounced like it looks), from the Greek "ergaleio" for tool and "phobia" for fear.

American Taliban

It's been a while since I posted something about the American Taliban, so here's one.
Bad words are bad, mmmmkay? Especially when they're on TV

Aren't you glad they're out there protecting you from bad words from a bunch of old guys talking about fighting in WW2?

Monday, July 24, 2006


From Party Central to hellhole in just a few days. A dispatch from Tony Bourdain, author and host of the brilliant show "No Reservations". It starts out upbeat and you can sense the wheels coming off as he's filiming No Reservations in Beruit.

Iran and Lebanon

Last week, a missile hit an Israeli warship. Do you wonder how Hizbollah managed to pull that off? With a little help from the Iranians that are in Lebanon helping, that's how.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Detached from Reality

No matter what you think of Bush or Kerry, neither one was a real gem of a candidate. However, when Kerry says stuff like "If I was president, this wouldn't have happened", (referring to the current Syria/Hizbollah/Lebanon/Israel mess) you have to seriously question how grounded in reality he really is.

Rush Videos

I can remember seeing Rush's video for Countdown (the first one) on "The Beat", a show that the Detroit PBS affiliate ran on Fri (Sat?) nite in the early 80s. This video/song got me to buy my very first album with my own money when I was 13 years old. Seeing Geddy Lee play bass for this (and the 2nd song, Subdivisions) messed me up, too.

Friday, July 21, 2006

6 Degrees of Separation

Wife of a Presidential candidate (and Senator) to Hizbollah. In just a few easy steps.

Bush isn't much of a President, but Kerry and his leftist buddies (and wife) would have made things MUCH worse.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Oil For Food scandal

The first conviction came in the Oil For Food scandal at the UN. Read the whole article and have just a few more reasons to hate the UN.

And then ask yourself why this story isn't getting more play in the MSM?

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

1 Line Movie Reviews

B13: Fun French action picture, amazing "choreography"

Devil Wears Prada: If you've seen the ads/previews, you've seen the movie.

Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Please, God, make it stop.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Republicans and indoctrination and general stupidity

It's good to see that the Republicans (at least in Kansas, what a surprise!) are indoctrinating their young early and often. It's even better to see such insane propaganda being used on the Senate floor.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Japanese Holidays

I am now officially convinced that all Japanese holidays/festivals involve carrying heavy stuff around. Today is no exception; check out this list and read today's entry (July 17)

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Kitties on the internet

There's a joke that most bloggers/personal websites are just about the writer's cat. In many cases, this is true. However, there is only one about a cat that kills...and about its kills.
Not least the pics I saw.

Bush made my clock stop running

And the batteries in my laptop die. And global warming. And gas prices hit $3.50/gal. And my milk spoil. And the cheese get mold.

Anyone wonder why the MSM (especially the L.A. Times) has such dwindling reader/viewership? It's because they actually publish an article that effectively blames Bush for the Zidane (World Cup Frog) headbutt.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

The Government is watching out for your safety!

Aren't you glad you have geniuses like this in charge of your safety in a car?

This fall, Toyota will voluntarily recall nearly 160,000 Toyota Tundra pickups so that they can be made less safe for children riding in the front seat.

Monday, July 10, 2006


The Democrats are often accused (and are guilty of!) pandering to unions, trial lawyers, race baiting groups (NAACP, etc). It appears that the Republicans are trying to muscle in on one of those rackets- race baiting groups. Karl Rove is a keynote speaker Tuesday, July 11 at the annual meeting of La Raza, a Latino race-baiting group.

What's next? Black Panthers? Hamas? KKK?

We definitely know beyond a shadow of a doubt which side of the illegal immigration debate Bush's bread is buttered on.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Scotland's Parliament

Scotland's Parliament isn't really good for much, since they are and aren't an independent nation. But when they take up earth shattering issues , I'm glad they have one!

Monday, July 03, 2006

Ultimate Fighting Cats

Great video takeoff of the UFC here

Saturday, July 01, 2006

More North Korea

The post that I had with the pics from NK was page 2. There are more starting here.

Click thru the pages, there's more.....