Sunday, November 30, 2008

The American Taliban

It's been a while since I've had a good one for the American Taliban series...and now, the Air Force gives me a great presentation. They get bonus points for mentioning Patrick Tillman, who was definitely not a Christian, as one of their shining heroes.


Blogger PontiacPeggy said...

I guess I just have to shake my head in disbelief that the Air Force is actually doing such garbage.

Isn't this the same Air Force that is happily allowing religious groups at the AF Academy complete freedom to bully non-believers, virtually making religious membership a requirement to survive the Academy AND get promoted?

Isn't this the same Air Force that doesn't see the problem at the AF Academy with male cadets raping female cadets and not being held accountable?

Trash it. The AF hasn't a clue about anything. American Taliban is an excellent description.

12/01/2008 07:09:00 AM  

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