Thursday, March 09, 2006

The March continues....

The march to fascism continues. While I will admit that the government has a need to keep classified material classified, they DO NOT have the need/right to intimidate journalists.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hate to be an "I told you so" but these are the types of things we worried about when Bush was elected the 2nd time. Wasn't too fond of him the first time (and didn't vote for him). Now he is one scarey sonofabitch. That Colorado teacher who said Bush speeches are reminescent of Hitler's is right on. And our rights are going down the tubes. Not only our privacy but also the ability for people to choose to live in ways other than those the Christian Right approves of and do things with our bodies that WE choose, not the Christian Right. I hope we survive until the end of Bush's term. He seems determined to tell the whole world how to live and behave. The Palestinians have an absolutely perfect election - no fraud - and Bush won't deal with them because he doesn't like who they elected. Wish I had that choice with him! End Rant.

3/09/2006 01:07:00 PM  

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