Thursday, January 26, 2006

Act of War, Part 2

Of course, the Mexican government (and some in the American government) are denying that it was really Mexican soldiers involved in the standoff on Monday with Border Patrol, local deuputies and Texas DPS cops. Let's stipulate that it's true for a sentence. That means that Mexico is so screwed up that drug running gangs have (military) Humvees with machine guns mounted on them.

So, we have 2 options:
  • The Mexcian army is helping drug runners
  • Mexico is so lawless that their drug gangs just drive around in Humvees with machineguns

In either case, it's time to build the wall, militarize the border and start taking it seriously.

And don't believe the bleatings of Mike Chertoff, Secretary of Homeland Security that these are accidental incursions. Remember that in Texas, the border with Mexico is a friggin RIVER. Not some invisible line in the sand. The RIO GRANDE.

Here are a bunch of stories from the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin, a paper in California that broke this story.
Another story
Interview with Sara Carter, the reporter that broke the story on the incursion on Monday and TJ Bonner, the head of the BP union. This is from Monday.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This whole incident is so peculiar. Hard to know what is the truth of the matter. But definitely something needs to be done to tighten up the border. Even if you don't care about drugs or illegal Mexicans entering the US, how about the real bad guys like al Qaeda?

1/26/2006 07:25:00 AM  

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