Monday, October 24, 2005

The good-bye Party on Wed

Last Wed (19Oct), we had a party to say goodbye to our old team, "noc-sys" or Tier 2 Systems from Cerfnet/AT&T. The last 2 guys in noc-sys were laid off a couple of wks ago . We had it at Rock Bottom in the Gaslamp (downtown SD) on the roof, which is enclosed, with the exception of the ceiling, which is a retractable tent/awning. This allows us to smoke up there, which is killer. Anyway, we sat up there, drank a gang of beer and ate nachos and had a bangup time. So, here's who is in the pic, starting from front left, going clockwise:
Gary - never in noc-sys, but one of the guys we worked with quite a bit. He started in the NOC and moved into process/tools. Poor guy.
Chris - the noc-sys manager since it's inception 6 yrs ago
Me - in the green shirt
Daryl - moved up from the NOC to noc-sys. One of the last to go
Ron - another noc-sys'er, last to g
Doug - A noc-sys'er that moved to a different group, (forget what it is) and got laid off a yr ago. He was a real pain to the managers (read: he didn't take their shit)
Aaron - (blackhat) noc-sys'er that came to us from the NOC. He was moved into the group that handles monitoring about a year ago, got canned the same time as Ron & Daryl
Steve - A noc-sys'er that started the same time I did and he got moved into provisioning. Poor bastard probably won't get laid off.
Kevin - He moved into tier 3 about a year ago (sort of like I did), but he's really in tier 3.
John - (redbeard) never in noc-sys, but he was always around to help us the first couple of years.

Not at the party -
Tom in Singapore, working on setting up the center for AT&T there
JP - didn't come, still at the T
Sri - didn't come, working in the monitoring team
Marc - didn't come, working for a different co., quit last yr
Ken - didn't come, not sure what he's up to
Kai - Out in NC, laid off a few mo ago


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