Sunday, October 16, 2005

Addition to my Amazon wishlist

I just added this book to my Zon wishlist.
From the book description:

Early in 1968 a nuclear-armed Soviet submarine sank in the waters off Hawaii, hundreds of miles closer to American shores than it should have been. Compelling evidence, assembled here for the first time, strongly suggests that the sub, K-129, sank while attempting to fire a nuclear missile, most likely at the naval base at Pearl Harbor.

Oh...right now, I'm reading this. Think FDR was the greatest President ever? Think again. He was flat out EVIL.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seems to me I recall hearing something about that. Sounds fascinating. FDR has never been one of my favorite presidents anyway so that doesn't surprise me.

10/17/2005 07:40:00 AM  

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