Saturday, September 24, 2005
About Me
- Name: Andy in San Diego and Elsewhere
- Location: San Diego, California, United States
Previous Posts
- Japanese Wackiness, part 19.3 in a continuing series
- Awful bass player joke
- The Jetblue emergency landing
- A Who's Who of the "Blackboard Jungle"
- My Bass and the internet
- Lego keeps getting cooler
- Talk Like A Pirate Day
- Mike Brown quits twice in 1 day!
- Train ride from Pontiac to San Diego
- The medevac helo picture.
Thomas PM Barnett's Blog (Pentagon's New Map)
Score: -202
I am the anti-hippie,
I shoot hippies for fun!
Take the "Are you a Hippie?" Test

Those are interesting. Especially the one on adult points. Leaves me shaking my head.
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