Sunday, July 27, 2008

Yet another thing I think about when the power goes out

Same topic, really, on older people. How are older people going to operate a cellphone when they are 70? They can't see the display, especially ones that are super snazzy (like an iPhone or any of the PDA phones). Most displays are just awful if you're eyesight isn't perfect. And the keypads are worse, with very little feel to them to tell what key you're on.

Lots and lots of stuff, not just packaging and cellphones are made for people that are 30, not 70...and soon we're going to have an assload of 70 yr olds in this country.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You don't have to be 70 to have problems with cellphones. This is a huge problem for most anyone over 40 (the screen size). Frankly, Dad loved the really old mobile phones that were hard-wired into the car - they were big, fit his hand, the keys easy to hit. That's why he won't give up his current rather old cellphone. Key definition is a huge problem.

7/28/2008 05:48:00 AM  

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