Monday, September 11, 2006

Current Reading List

I'm reading 3 books right now:
"The Fountainhead" by Ayn Rand - I re-read this every year or so. In fact, the copy I had (an old, fat paperbook) FINALLY bit the dust after about 20 years.
Prince Of The Marshes. A great book (so far) by a British civilian that goes to work for the Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq. Liberally dosed with appropriate quotes from Machiavelli, it's an awesome read and a bleak look into how things are going in Iraq.
Identity Crisis. A book published by the Cato Institute (libertarian thinktank) about identity and it's uses/abuses. Kind of a deep read, but very, very interesting.

Coming Up:
The Fall Of Rome
Disaster In Dearborn (The Story of the Edsel)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't it wonderful to re-read a favorite book? I have many that never lose their freshness or attraction after many readings. Ayn Rand is always fascinating and I think as you get older she brings something different to that stage of life. Love to hear how you like Fall of Rome - reader reviews sure were good.

9/11/2006 07:00:00 PM  

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